Current Projects

My Research Interests

My research interests are where microbiology and environmental engineering meet. In particular, my lab investigates the ability for microbes to degrade pollutants in both engineered and natural environments, the interaction of metals, microbes, and disinfection byproducts, the effects of pollutants on microbial communities, and the diversity and abundance of bacteria and genes that degrade pollutants. I typically use DNA and RNA based methodologies and bioinformatics in my studies. Here are my current projects, the students working on them, and publications related to the current work.

Current Projects

Remediation of chlorinated pollutants with simultaneous amendment with natural organochlorines
Graduate Student: Xuewen Wang, Undergraduate Student: Matthew Brooks
      This project is investigating the enhanced degradation of chlorinated ethenes by anaerobic dechlorinating bacteria while under the co-presence of naturally occurring organochlorine compounds. The objective is to determine whether natural organochlorines can ‘prime’ this bacterial degradation process chlorinated ethenes degrade faster and more completely. This research may translate into the development of specialized bioreactors, cultures, or amendments for the treatment of sites contaminated with difficult-to-degrade chlorinated compounds.

      Publications related to Organohalide Respiration
          Krzmarzick, M. J., H. Miller, T. Yan, and P. J. Novak. (2014). Novel Firmicutes group implicated in the dechlorination of two chlorinated xanthones, analogues for natural organochlorines. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80:1210-1218.
          Krzmarzick, M. J., P. J. McNamara, B. B. Crary, and *P. J. Novak. (2013) Abundance and diversity of organohalide-respiring bacteria in lake sediments across a geographical sulfur gradient. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 84:248-258.
         Krzmarzick, M. J., B. B. Crary, J. J. Harding, O. O. Oyerinde, A. C. Leri, S. C. B. Myneni, and P. J. Novak. (2012) Natural niche for organohalide-respiring Chloroflexi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78:393-401.

Anaerobic degradation of triclosan
Ada Xiong (visiting scholar)
In Collaboration with Dr. Patrick McNamara's Lab at Marquette 

This project is investigating the anaerobic microbial transformations of the commonly used household product triclosan.

  McNamara, P. J. and M. J. Krzmarzick. (2013) Triclosan enriches for Dehalococcoides-like Chloroflexi in anaerobic soil at environmentally relevant concentrations. FEMS Microbiology Letters 344:48-52.

Response of Surface Soil Microbial Communities to 
Fracing Fluids
Graduate Student: Jeanne Carroll, Undergraduate Student: Aubrey McCutchan

      Six commonly used fracing fluid mixtures were prepared in the laboratory and amended to surface soil in microcosms. The soil microbial communities degraded the bulk of the organic carbon of the fluids within 6 weeks, though some mixtures were not as degraded as others. The degradative response will soon be better characterized by investigating the RNA and DNA of the soil microbial community during exposure and degradation. This project has the potential of determining the relative recalcitrance, or degradability, of different fracing fluid mixtures in surface soils.
        Aubrey is funded by an Oklahoma State University Wentz Scholarship. Additional funding for this work is pending.

Interactions of trace metals on disinfection byproduct precursor formation
Graduate Student: Xiang Fu

Disinfection byproducts are formed in water treatment processes to disinfect against pathogens. Though the disinfection of water is necessary to make it safe to drink, disinfection byproducts are a health concern as well. Understanding how these disinfection byproducts are formed is important to reducing human exposures. Trace elements affect microbial physiology and differ greatly between water treatment systems, and these change in physiology in turn affects disinfection byproduct precursor formation. In this research, Xiang is investigating the effects of trace elements on heavy metals on cellular physiology with regards to the production of disinfection byproduct precursors. 
Funding for this work is pending.

The aftermath of Fu's research talk in group meeting, or is this a Pollock?

Optimization of Anammox Growth for Mainstream Wastewater Treatment
Graduate Student: Xiang Fu
      Nitrogen is a major wastewater pollutant, leading to algae blooms and other environmental issues. Anammox are a group of key bacteria in the removal of nitrogen from the environment, and can be used to remove nitrogen from wastewater with less energy inputs than alternative methods. This project, in collaboration with Jim Field and Reyes Sierra-Alvarez at the University of Arizona, seeks to develop and optimize anammox growth from the sludge digester side-stream for bio-augmentation to the wastewater treatment plant main-stream, thus removing significantly more nitrogen.
       Funding: National Science Foundation (Award# 1705088)

Dry Ice Day !!